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3 Monument Hill Road
Chelmsford, MA, 01824
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Video Marketing, Website design, Content Writing, SEO

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Grow. Motivate. Perform. Full Service SEO Digital Marketing From The Heart

Let Your Voice Be Seen

Honce Oui means, “From The Heart”. Thus, we create authentic marketing videos, for small business, education and non-profits, that truly speak to your audience. Let our award-winning, full service process produce and distribute your powerful message. We do all the heavy lifting while you quietly run your own, successful business.  

Become our next success story!

video marketing 


online training


Social Video Meets Social Media

Social video pioneer Randy Barth has been an entrepreneur since age 9, when he began organizing backyard fundraising carnivals for The Jimmy Fund, which supports the fight against cancer at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. 

Always one to spot a need and create a solution, Randy's dorm room at UMass-Amherst was the launch pad for Premier Talent, which he founded and built into the largest events company in New England.  Next stop was DjinMaxx International, where Randy reinvented the corporate video production industry, injecting heart into the art of video, and created Honce Oui Social Video to constructively disrupt the world of public relations.

What's social video?  Web video, yes, but video that's created and intended to be shared through social media, e-mail and other channels. Other credits for Randy include "You Are Not Alone," a documentary on the Samaritan’s suicide prevention ; producing two feature-length movies; board member of, which provides sports therapy for at-risk youth; and serving as VP of Pixability, an international video marketing service focused on Fortune 500 businesses, which Randy helped grow from tiny startup to hot property on the national stage. He also helped rising filmmakers while producing the Woods Hole Film Festival in 2005 and 2006.

Randy's focus is making video an easy to use and instantly compelling communications tool for businesses and individuals, as part of a wider digital media strategy.  Whether you need videos to explain your business to potential customers, would like to update your customers with a video blog, or are ready to take yourself to the next level, using video on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Instagram and more for a continuing conversation with your customers, Randy's ready to make it easy and great for you to connect to your target audience.  

Wonder if you're ready for your video closeup?  You are: Randy's passion is to add passion to video by putting the spotlight on clients and customers - business leaders, staffers, workers, volunteers, customers, people in the community - talking in unrehearsed conversation about their companies, work, goals, obstacles, successes, hopes, dreams - - their lives. Real people talking honestly about what they know, live and love: that's authenticity.  The customers and communities you need to reach will know it when they see it and respond with their authentic comments about what they need, like, and want.  Exactly what you need to be part of their daily lives, and, to be the first to provide the products and services they want.

Social media strategist Francie Grace  ( jumped into social media in 2009, a natural shift from an award-winning career in network news, as Twitter exploded onto the scene and totally changed both journalism and media at large.

A big fan of the democratic power of social media to connect and change the world, Francie (@franciegrace) especially loves the leading edge of media and technology, healthcare reform and participatory medicine, and building vibrant digital media footprints for things vegan, green and impact for good.  Francie has spoken about social media at the 140 Characters Conference at John Hancock Hall in Boston and at the New York Press Club Journalism Conference, was among those chosen by the White House to be in Washington for the 2012 State of the Union Tweetup, and is a participant in this year's White House "We The Geeks" Google+ Hangout series on emerging technologies.

Before founding in 2011, Francie was VP, Director of Social Media and Managing Editor of Public Agenda, a nonpartisan public policy-focused citizen engagement organization, where she launched and built numerous digital brands, including @PublicAgenda and @Planet_Forward, both with over 10K followers today, and conducted listening campaigns to help other nonprofits create and implement their own social media strategies.

Prior to the social media revolution, Francie was a producer, writer, editor and artist, at, CBS Radio Network, and 1010 WINS News Radio in New York.  She is a member of the New York Press Club, the New York Emmys, the Writers Guild and the Deadline Club, and has served as an awards judge for all four organizations.  Francie is also a member of the New York chapter of the MIT Enterprise Forum, which tracks startups in media and technology, and the Society for Participatory Medicine, which works for patient empowerment, improved patient and doctor access to records, and shared decision-making.

Ready to catch and hold the attention of your target audience?  We're ready to take you there - from Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and YouTube to Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Vine, Vsnap and beyond - with social media services custom-tailored to your needs and goals, and measureable progress for each phase of every social media campaign.